Operation Christmas Child Brings Gospel Opportunities to Fiji

June 15, 2017 • Fiji
Operation Christmas Child in Fiji

Nine families are baptized during The Greatest Journey graduation.

Sidweshwar Kumar is the Operation Christmas Child national leadership team coordinator in Fiji.

Our regional team distributed Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts to a community in eastern Fiji comprised of several different religions. The church that received the shoeboxes did not have a pastor, and two Fijian women were looking after the church. These two women and our regional team went house to house and invited children to the Operation Christmas Child outreach event.

Many parents attended the event with their children as a result of these home visits. When they saw that every child received a shoebox gift they were moved and wanted to know why this event happened. 

After the distribution, the two local women had the opportunity to go back and visit with these parents in their homes. They now had an open door to the community and the passion to go and share about Jesus Christ.

Shoebox gifts bring joy to children in Fiji.

Shoebox gifts bring joy to children in Fiji.

Parents of different religions opened their homes for the women to come and share the Gospel. As a result, our team was invited to give Bibles at The Greatest Journey graduation ceremony. About 70 children participated in the graduation and these children now attend the church.

Nine families were also baptized at the graduation. Nine families! They are now part of the church.

We also met a 70-year-old Hindu man whose grandchildren received shoeboxes. When he saw the excitement at the outreach event he wanted to be involved, and so he later came and swept the church to prepare it for the graduation ceremony.

Church families and the two local women reached out to this man, and a Bible study now meets in his home. About 30 young people attend.

Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes are making an eternal impact in this community and the lives of children and their families. We thank the Lord and everyone who packs the shoeboxes for helping provide opportunities to share the Gospel in Fiji.

