God Answers Prayer

August 2, 2015 •
Intern program South Sudan

How an intern ended up working for Samaritan’s Purse

Sean Bear is a graduate student at Liberty University pursuing a Master of Public Health degree with a concentration in health promotion. He is working with Samaritan’s Purse in South Sudan as an intern with the food security program.

From the moment I began my master’s degree, I anxiously awaited that magical time when I could begin lining up my practicum experience. That time finally arrived when my mom informed me of a unique internship experience offered through Samaritan’s Purse.

I thought the opportunity sound interesting, and applied. I then applied to a dozen other internship/practicum positions and began praying.

Several months later, I found out that my application at Samaritan’s Purse had been accepted and forwarded to the first round of interviews. The nerves set in, and on the day of my interview, my stomach was in knots. I broke my own record for prayer. I don’t think I stopped praying from the time I woke up until the time I sat down for that first interview.

God Answers Prayers

Kids in a refugee camp in Yida, South Sudan

The interview began, and it started with prayer. I thanked God for such an awesome organization that recognizes the power of prayer. My interviewer and I prayed for God’s will and blessing and that He would be present during the interview.

I felt like I was talking with my best friend throughout the interview, and the sharing of testimony and mission in life came naturally. It was clear that God was over this process and all of my worries rested on Him.

A couple of weeks later, I had my second interview and found out which countries I could be assigned to if accepted into the program—South Sudan, Uganda, and Haiti. As this list of countries was read to me, my nerves began to creep back in, and panic took control.

“Those are real countries,” I thought to myself. “Those are real countries that are really different from anything I have ever experienced.”

I prayed.

“God, if this is your will, let it happen. Calm me and give me confidence to follow where you lead me.”

God Answers Prayers

The staff in South Sudan often live in tents like these.

Never before have I felt the presence of God come over me so suddenly. It was a humbling and powerful immediate response to prayer. As I prayed, I could feel my fears and doubts drift away as a sense of security and peace washed over me. God is with us, always, but in that moment, He was right on top of me!

He knows what is going on. If God is for us, who can be against us? I left that second interview with God’s peace, reassured that He was so involved with this process and would open the doors that He wanted me to take.

A couple of weeks later, I interviewed with an area coordinator in South Sudan followed by another interview with a program manager in Juba, the capital of South Sudan. Eventually, I was offered and accepted a global internship in South Sudan with the Food Security program.

I get chills just talking about this process and how God has been so apparent in every stage of this journey. Just through the interview process, I experienced so much spiritual development and communion with God that I’ve already received rewards from this experience.

I cannot wait to see how God uses me in the coming months to serve His children in a broken and hurting world. Join me in prayer as I prepare for this experience. I want to be God’s hands and feet in South Sudan and ask for His continued guidance and direction in my life.

God is good, and I’m excited to serve Him in this new capacity.

The Samaritan’s Purse internship program is an opportunity for college students and recent graduates to use their skills to impact the world in a tangible way. Find out more here.

