An Opportunity to Teach Health and Share Christ

May 26, 2015 • Haiti

What I’ve learned since working with Samaritan’s Purse

Elicia Philone works with the Samaritan’s Purse Maternal and Child Health program in Haiti.

I worked as a volunteer with Samaritan’s Purse for several months before I began working as an employee of the Maternal and Child Health program. I knew that I would increase my knowledge by volunteering, and I was excited to spend time at the clinic working with the team. They were capable and friendly, always ready to help me understand anything that was difficult.

I learned a lot about medications, labs, and exams. The doctor was always willing to share his knowledge with the staff. I’m a certified nurse, and working in the clinic helped me to understand what I had studied in school.

An Opportunity to Teach Health and Share Christ

Elicia shares health information with a community health worker.

In August last year, I was hired as an employee of the maternal and child health program, helping to train community health workers. I’m thankful to Samaritan’s Purse for the wonderful privilege I’ve been given to be part of the team.

From the first time I went out into the field with the staff, I could clearly see the good work that has been done in the communities where we work. We teach people how to take care of their health and prevent the spread of disease. This information is especially helpful for pregnant women and children, who often die in the rural areas.

Because of the great work, we have fewer people dying because they know how to take care of their health needs. I’ll never forget the training I’ve received from Samaritan’s Purse on diarrhea and respiratory infections, lessons that I taught to the people in the communities where we work.

I pay careful attention to how they take care of their health and help them know how to better care for themselves, effectively applying principles such as good hygiene and breastfeeding. These experiences have shown me that there is much more to learn than what I was taught in school and have given me a desire to do more research and share what I know with others.

I’m so thankful to have the opportunity to bring people to Christ and reduce the amount of people who die every day in Haiti.

